Source code for cfn_pyplates.cli

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# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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"""CLI Entry points for handy bins

Documentation for CLI methods defined in this file will be that method's
usage information as seen on the command-line.

from docopt import docopt
from schema import Schema, Use, Or
import yaml

from cfn_pyplates import core, functions
from cfn_pyplates.exceptions import Error
from cfn_pyplates.options import OptionsMapping

def _load_pyplate(pyplate, options_mapping=None):
    'Load a pyplate file object, and return a dict of its globals'
    # Inject all the useful stuff into the template namespace
    exec_namespace = {
        'options': options_mapping,
    for entry in core.__all__:
        exec_namespace[entry] = getattr(core, entry)
    for entry in functions.__all__:
        exec_namespace[entry] = getattr(functions, entry)

    # Do the needful.
    exec pyplate in exec_namespace
    return exec_namespace

def _find_cloudformationtemplate(pyplate):
    """Find a CloudFormationTemplate in a pyplate

    Goes through a pyplate namespace dict and returns the first
    CloudFormationTemplate it finds.

    for key, value in pyplate.iteritems():
        if isinstance(value, core.CloudFormationTemplate):
            return value

    # If we haven't returned something, it's an Error
    raise Error('No CloudFormationTemplate found in pyplate')

def _open_writable(outfile_name):
    'Helper function so we can offload the opening and validation to Schema'
    return open(outfile_name, 'w')

[docs]def generate(): """Generate CloudFormation JSON Template based on a Pyplate Usage: cfn_py_generate <pyplate> [<outfile>] [-o/--options=<options_mapping>] cfn_py_generate (-h|--help) cfn_py_generate --version Arguments: pyplate Input pyplate file name outfile File in which to place the compiled JSON template (if omitted or '-', outputs to stdout) Options: -o --options=<options_mapping> Input JSON or YAML file for options mapping exposed in the pyplate as "options_mapping" -h --help This usage information WARNING! Do not use pyplates that you haven't personally examined! A pyplate is a crazy hybrid of JSON-looking python. exec is used to read the pyplate, so any code in there is going to run, even potentailly harmful things. Be careful. """ from pkg_resources import require version = require("cfn-pyplates")[0].version args = docopt(generate.__doc__, version=version) scheme = Schema({ '<pyplate>': Use(open), '<outfile>': Or(None, '-', Use(_open_writable)), '--options': Or(None, Use(open)), '--help': Or(True, False), '--version': Or(True, False), }) args = scheme.validate(args) options_file = args['--options'] if options_file: options = yaml.load(options_file) else: options = {} options_mapping = OptionsMapping(options) # Not sure if Scheme can validate one options based on the value of # another, but some pyplates need options_mapping to load and some # don't. We could validate the second case easily enough, but in the # first case we'd have to pass the options mapping in to the test # function. Not sure that's possible. pyplate = _load_pyplate(args['<pyplate>'], options_mapping) try: cft = _find_cloudformationtemplate(pyplate) output = unicode(cft) except Error as e: print 'Error processing the pyplate:' print e.message return 1 outfile = args['<outfile>'] if isinstance(outfile, file): outfile.write(output) else: print(output) # Explicitly return a posixy "EVERYTHING IS OKAY" 0 return 0